In the name of whom.In the name of What ..!!

Several media have today published a dozen pictures that reflect torture in prisons in Iraq and Afghanistan, which allegedly are part of the 2,000 images that the U.S. president wants to avoid that come to light. The spread of instantaneous left Australian SBS television that supposedly bought in 2006 following the Abu Ghraib scandal and decided to remove the light yesterday. The photographs show prisoners naked and bloodied, a man with a recorded message at the bottom that says "I am a rapist" in English, a prisoner handcuffed and babeante, another with the body full of excrement and mouth with his head hanging down with no clothes on, among other aberrant images. The Obama Administration announced last Wednesday that will draw a court's decision to allow the declassification of the 2000 photos, as requested by the American Civil Liberties. The White House argues that the publication of snapshots could trigger a new wave of anti-Americanism in the Muslim world that would endanger the lives of U.S. soldiers there outstanding. The new scandal comes at a bad time for President Obama, after yesterday announced the reinstatement of the military commissions created by his predecessor, George W. Bush to try suspected terrorists held prisoner in the prison of Guantanamo, Cuba.

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