To all those distinguished individuals,their lives and their work. I Thank you all for thinking outside the box. Para todos aquellos individuos que he tenido el placer o la desgracia de conocer, que me han ayudado a pensar, a ver las cosas fuera de la norma, a questionar lo comun,lo establecido. A ver un poco mas de la realidad, por cruda que sea. Gracias ithink
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Ernest Hemingway:'
'No weapon has ever settled a moral problem. It can impose a solution but it cannot guarantee it to be a just one.''.
Mr fedupPosted by: Mr fedup on July 29, 2011 12:44 PM
See how our politicians still refuse to accept that they are the cause of this, they insisted that multiculturism was the greatest thing on earth but refuse to accept that it is the immigrants themselves who refuse to be fully inclusive into our societies. Or is the posting of signs in English towns proclaiming Sharia law dominates in certain areas, is supposed to be something that we accept?.
This man snapped because he saw his country and culture being sidelined and abused by immigrants.
Instead of calling names, you should all realise that this is just the tip of the trouble to come across Europe. And you should all have noticed how Europeans have condemned this action, something we see or hear little from our muslim communities when their terrorists strike.
Non of the abovePosted by: Non of the above on July 29, 2011 12:41 PM
Paul Ray I love the fact you no longer live in the UK!!!
I hope you see the irony in the fact your living and working in a foreign country! Please some one tell me he's dating a local girl that would be the icing on the cake!
Your an immigrant HAHAHA !!!!
Just think there is probably a Maltese guy saying "God these immigrants coming over to Malta stealing our jobs sleeping with our women!"
no no no!! its not like that at all!!
we Brits have a kop-out clause which we use when we run away from home to a better life abroad, we call ourselves 'EX-PATS'
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